Membership Options

Membership in the Central Oregon Trail Alliance is vital for several reasons that support both the organization and the broader community of outdoor enthusiasts. By becoming a member, individuals contribute not only to the preservation and enhancement of trails but also benefit from various programs designed to promote outdoor activities. Additionally, membership fosters a sense of community among like-minded individuals who share a passion for exploring and enjoying the beauty of Central Oregon’s diverse landscapes. Ultimately, being part of this alliance strengthens our collective voice in advocating for trail maintenance and development, ensuring sustainable access for everyone.

Yearly Membership

This membership is meant for individuals looking to become part of the COTA members community, starting at $30/year.

Household membership

This membership is meant for multiple members of a household to combine their memberships into one, starting at $75/ year.

Monthly Membership

This membership is for folks who love the trails and want to go the extra mile by donating once a month, starting at $5/ month.