Cline Butte

COTA partnered with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to improve the Cline Butte and Cascade View trail systems. The goal was to build new mountain bike trails, reroute existing trails that extended onto private property, and install signage throughout the Cline Butte trail system. Phase 1 of this project was completed in 2024 by trail builder Ethan Ware. The new trails built include:

  • Return Policy: 0.3-mile uphill trail connecting the Saddle to the summit of Cline Butte

  • Two intermediate downhill trails to enhance access when the Saddle Trail is seasonally closed for eagle nesting:

    • Chainbreak (0.8 miles)

    • The Goat (0.6 miles)

  • Positive Vibrations: 0.35 mile beginner trail from the Saddle down to the XC trail toward Eagle Crest

Rerouting mountain bike trails around seasonally golden eagle nesting sites is crucial for both wildlife conservation and maintaining the integrity of mountain biking as a recreational activity. Golden eagles are sensitive to disturbances during their nesting period, and human activity in proximity to their nesting sites can lead to increased stress and potential abandonment of nests. By implementing trail reroutes, COTA ensures that these majestic birds have the necessary space to thrive and successfully raise their young, while also promoting responsible outdoor recreation that respects ecological balances. This proactive approach fosters a sustainable relationship between trail users and wildlife, reinforcing the importance of stewardship in outdoor spaces.

Help Us Build the Future of Cline Butte!

We need your support to complete Phase 2 this year. Whether you’re a rider who loves hitting the trails or a community member who values outdoor recreation, you can make a difference!

  • Volunteer: Join a trail-building day to help create the next set of Cline Butte trails. No experience is necessary—just bring your enthusiasm!

  • Donate: Your contributions directly fund materials, tools, and resources to complete the trail system. Every dollar helps!

Get involved today and leave your mark on Central Oregon’s mountain biking community.


COTA 2024 Accomplishments


Tiddlywinks Upgrade